Photography and Filming

Photography and Filming by the Public and News Media

The Library is a limited public forum. Limited public forums are places open to the public for a specific purpose. As a limited public forum, the Library allows activities that align with its purpose and may prohibit activities that disrupt its purpose. For the Library, permitted activities include accessing books, programs, and online resources to gather information. Prohibited activities include disruptive behavior such as filming or photographing library users or library staff against their wishes or without their consent. 

You may take personal photos or videos of any of our buildings, materials, or artwork as long as no people are in the photos or videos. You can also take personal photos or videos of people you know, as long as everyone consents. No photos or videos may be taken of other people in the library without their express consent.  

We welcome film requests by the news media and others for stories directly involving the Library’s programs, resources, collections, and services. Requests must be received at least two weeks in advance of the date of filming and emailed to the Library’s Marketing and Communications department at for approval.

Any photography or filming that disrupts library members’ use of the Library or prevents staff from performing their duties is prohibited (see Policy 4.01, Public Behavior). If a library member or library staff complains about being photographed or filmed and the person photographing or filming refuses to stop after being asked, this person would be violating our behavior policy by engaging in disruptive behavior and not following reasonable staff directives. If the disregard continues, we may require the person to leave the Library.

Photography and Filming by the Library

Our staff may document library programs, classes, and workshops through photos, videos, and podcasts. Anyone who participates may be photographed, video-recorded, or audio-recorded. We may use this media on our website, social media, blogs, and in all print materials to market and promote the Library's programs and services. Members will not have their names disclosed in promotional media without their permission. 

Staff will inform all members prior to capturing photos, videos, or audio. Please tell our staff if you do not wish to be photographed, video-recorded, or audio-recorded. We will always respect your requests! 

A full version of this policy is available online in English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, and Tamil.

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