Alameda County Library Advisory Commission
The Alameda County Library Advisory Commission (ACLAC) is an advisory commission consisting of 16 members. The commission includes a Council member from each of the 5 cities in the Alameda County Library service area, 4 members at large appointed by either the Alameda County Board of Supervisors or ACLAC members, 5 members appointed by the Board of Supervisors, 2 high school or college students appointed by the full commission. Commission members, other than City Council and student members, are appointed for two-year terms; City Council members serve in conjunction with their council terms or as appointed by their respective councils; student members are appointed for one-year terms.

Commission Members
Michael Baldwin – Castro Valley, Chairperson
Sarah Wilson – Member-at-large, Vice-Chairperson
Peggy McQuaid – Albany
John Morada – Dublin
Teresa Keng – Fremont
Terrence Grindall – Newark
Lance Nishihira – Union City
Subru Bhat – Member-at-large
Vacant – Ashland/Cherryland
Vacant – Fairview
Vacant – San Lorenzo
Vacant – Sunol
Vacant – Member-at-large
Vacant – Member-at-large
Vacant – Youth Commissioner
Vacant – Youth Commissioner
Staff Liaison
Acting County Librarian Deb Sica
(510) 745-1504
Meeting Schedule
1st Wednesday of January, April, July, and October at 7pm. Meetings rotate among libraries.
Call (510) 745-1504 to confirm meeting location.