Matchmaker – Becky M.

Becky's desert island reads:

This is so hard because I donā€™t really re-read many books at all, there are just too many books out there to re-read any! If I had to choose, I would probably have to say some type of cozy mystery because they are fun, light, and they are easy to pick back up after being distracted (I feel like there would be a lot of distraction on a desert island!).

What Becky does when she's not reading:

When Iā€™m not reading, I love to get outdoors by hiking or visiting somewhere new šŸ˜Š

If Becky could meet any literary character, or visit any literary world, it would be:

I think I would have to choose the magical world of Harry Potter. I was a teen when Harry Potter was first released, and it was such a big part of my teen years and early library career. It would take me back to being a kid! Being able to go to Universal Studios to see Harry Potter World is one thing, but to actually visit would be a teen dream come true šŸ˜Š.

Ask Becky what to read.

Becky's Recommendations

Mysteries to Keep You Hooked

These mysteries kept me reading until very the last page and are available in multiple formats.

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I spend a lot of time reading with my ears because I'm in the car often. Check out some of my favorite audiobooks.

Favorite Thrillers from 2021

It may seem early for a "best of the year list," but here are some of my favorite thrillers published in 2021! Enjoy!
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