Alameda County Library Homepage

image of Muriel Johnson and Flower Folk Ethnic Pattern.

Storytelling with Muriel Johnson

Feb 23rd | 2:00pm - 3:00pm


Virtual Events



Woman and African tribal art. Text: Black History Month.

Black History Month: African Americans in the Labor Movement

Black History Month honors African American achievements and their role in U.S. history. Discover ways to celebrate all month and beyond!

Tuesday English Conversations at REACH Ashland Youth Center

Join English Conversations at REACH Ashland Youth Center! Open to adult learners of any English skill level.
A child and parent reading using an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) device.

Storytime with AAC

Boost your child’s communication skills! Join Storytime with AAC, a program designed to support families of emergent communicators.

Youth & Families

Explore resources, events, and activities that spark curiosity and joy!

Inspiring Black History for Children

Celebrate Black History Month with history-inspired nonfiction and fiction books that depict joyful Black children and adults.

Playgarden Prep Online Preschool

An online preschool program offering children 2-4 years old a private preschool experience at home!

Journeys Across Borders: Children's Books on Immigration

These children's books showcase the immigrant and refugee experiences, presenting them through both fictional and nonfictional perspectives.

Adults & Seniors

Discover something new, from author visits, career support, learning new languages, and more!

Recent Page to Screen

Here's some recent films that started life as books.

Black History Month 2025: African Americans & Labor

The 2025 theme for Black History Month is African Americans and Labor.

Listen and Learn: Popular Nonfiction (eaudiobooks)

Downloadable audiobooks that entertain and inform.

Support the Library

Your contributions to the library help us support and strengthen our communities!

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