Elizabeth's desert island reads:
- The Lord of the Rings Trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien
- Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
- Pet Sematary by Stephen King
- The Princess Bride by William Golding
What Elizabeth does when she's not reading:
I enjoy traveling, hiking, and generally spending time in nature. I enjoy visiting our East Bay Regional Parks, local beaches, and I also enjoy just hanging out on my patio with my ever growing collection of plants. I have been learning how to garden on my patio and I have been tirelessly working on a propagation station for succulents and other plants I have. I have been an avid crafter since childhood and enjoy fiber arts such as crochet and cross stich, as well as sewing. In addition to my more active hobbies, I also enjoy being a couch potato and watching movies or playing video games.
If Elizabeth could meet any literary character, or visit any literary world, it would be:
I would pick Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables. I have loved the book series by L.M. Montgomery since childhood, so much so that I changed the spelling of my middle name from Ann to Anne spelled with an E. I have often though of how wonderful it would be to have a friend like Anne Shirley. She has such a passion for life, a wonderfully vivid imagination, and a fierce loyalty to those she loves. Meeting Anne Shirley would be a childhood dream come true.