Accessibility Services FAQ
Alameda County Library is always working to make our facilities and services more welcoming and accessible.
Available accommodations include (but are not limited to):
- Large Print Books
- Physical and Digital Audiobooks
- Pocketalker Personal Sound Amplifiers
- Accessible Computer Workspaces
- Screen Reading and Magnification Software
- Disposable Respirators
- Rolling Walkers
- Portable Whiteboards
- Assistive Listening Systems
- Braille & Talking Book Library Membership
- American Sign Language Interpretation (upon request, with seven (7) days advance notice)
- Extended Service Library Cards
- Additional Authorized Account Users
Requests for specific accommodations can be made by contacting your local Alameda County Library location or Accessibility Services.
Every library provides Pocketalkers for in-library use. Pocketalkers are personal sound amplifiers that help users hear more of what they want to hear and less of what they don't. They achieve this by reducing background noise and allowing the user to focus on and amplify specific sounds.
Pocketalkers are ideal for library programs, film showings, group discussions, one-on-one conversation, and for library use in general. Using a Pocketalker is as simple as plugging in a pair of headphones (or using the included pair), positioning the microphone near the preferred sound, and adjusting the volume to your desired setting.
Visit any of our libraries' Reference Desks to borrow a Pocketalker for use during your next library visit.
In addition, we have RF (radio frequency)-based assistive listening systems from Listen Technologies at the Albany, Castro Valley, Dublin, Fremont Main and Newark libraries. These systems are great for larger events and programs. Users can adjust the volume of the presentation audio on an individual basis using an RF receiver. Simply let staff know if you would like the presenters to provide event or program audio through one of these systems.
If you require accommodations for a specific library program, please contact the library where the program is being held or message Accessibility Services at least seven (7) days in advance.
Service animals are welcome in all of our libraries. We love all animals, but pets, emotional support animals, and other animals that have not been trained to perform specific acts directly related to an individual’s disability are not allowed into our libraries.