Summer Adventure 2023

Thank you for joining Summer Adventure 2023!

We all enjoyed discovering, creating, and connecting our way through A Magical Journey in new and creative ways. We appreciate your feedback and hope you’ll continue to enjoy the Submission Showcase year-round. See you next year for a brand-new adventure!

June 1 to August 15, 2023

Get an Adventure Guide for activities, reading, and more to receive a book gift and prize drawing entries.

All ages and abilities are welcome to participate!

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Highlights Video

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Download Guide

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Previous Years

Summer Adventure Highlights

Submissions with permission to share may be featured in the Submissions Showcase

Summer Adventure Blog and News

Summer Blogs & News 2023

Explore all the news and topical blogs during Summer Adventure 2023.

Summer Adventure Lists 2023

Summer Adventure 2023 Reading Inspiration

Library staff have curated wonderful reading suggestions for your magical journey this summer for all ages!

Download a Summer Adventure Guide

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Contact Us

We would love your feedback about the Summer Adventure. What did you like about it? What can we improve for next year?

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See Previous Summer Adventures

Past Summer Adventures

Summer Adventure 2022

Wonder in Nature

Summer Adventure 2021

A World of Stories
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