The AC Library’s refreshed Parenting Collection provides useful, up-to-date information on raising healthy, happy children, from the perspective of a parent, family, caregiver, teacher; everyone helping a child grow up.
Find popular titles and trending topics on the Parenting Collection shelves in the children’s area in the library. The Parenting Collection features books in English, Spanish, and Chinese (Russian and Farsi coming soon). You can find both children’s picture books and adult self-help books including topics such as:
- Developmental stages like toddlers or tweens
- Family relationships like fatherhood, adoption, or divorce
- Nutrition like allergies or eating habits
- Social-emotional learning like understanding feelings, grief, or temper tantrums
- Health & hygiene like teeth brushing, haircare, or potty training
- Conditions like ADHD or autism
and so much more!
Seeking more information on a specific topic or a particular book? Search the Catalog by:
- Keyword for everything on a topic
- Series for “Parenting Collection” to browse through the collection
- Lists for “ACL_Parenting” for librarian-created booklists on an important topic.
Help your little ones learn to take of themselves, from brushing their teeth and washing their hands to developing healthy self-esteem. AC Library Parenting Collection: Popular adult and children’s books for everyone helping a child grow up. Selected by AC Library Staff.
Look for this parenting logo on shelf signs to find more great books throughout the library too. Library staff can help!