Castro Valley Reads

Castro Valley Reads 2025

What are we Reading for 2025?

For 2025 we’ve chosen a work of contemporary fiction called The House of Broken Angels by Luis Alberto Urrea.

The plot is simple enough. In his final days, beloved and ailing patriarch Miguel Angel de La Cruz, affectionately called Big Angel, has summoned his entire clan for one last legendary birthday party. But as the party approaches, his mother, nearly one hundred, dies, transforming the weekend into a farewell doubleheader.

The magic of this book comes in the telling. Imagine a tornado picking up speed as it whirls through and around each character: Big Angel, his wife Perla, his half-brother Little Angel, his children, parents, in-laws, grandchildren, and neighbors. The tornado dislodges and blends their memories, foibles, regrets, desires, and grief through rapid fire dialogues and interior monologues. As we learn tales that have passed into family lore, we are treated to a depiction of the de La Cruz family that is at turns tragic, bawdy, funny, joyful, and, ultimately, about love and grace.

One Valley, One Book, Many Conversations

Castro Valley Reads is a community-wide literary event encouraging people to read and discuss the same book. This annual program celebrates the thoughtful exchange of ideas and the joy of reading together.

In addition to discussion groups, the program includes special events inspired by the themes in the book and a chance to meet the author.

For 2025 we will celebrate Mexican-American history and culture through a fast-paced, raucous family saga.

Castro Valley Reads Finale

Friday, April 11, 6 pm to 9 pm

Invitations for the Finale event will be sent to discussion groups registrants around March 13. More soon!

Discussion Groups

At the heart of the Castro Valley Reads program are discussion groups. Please help us build community connections by joining a Library discussion group or creating your own discussion group in your community. All participants will get free copies of the books, while supplies last.

Can't wait to get started? Download a copy of the discussion guide.

More Great Reads

If you enjoyed this year's book, here are more titles to explore!

Mexican Families in Fiction

Novels and short story collections about Mexican and Mexican-American families.

Realmente: The Latinx Experience

The Latinx-American experience told through deeply personal memoirs and well-researched histories, and social commentaries.

Journeys Across Borders: Children's Books on Immigration

These children's books showcase the immigrant and refugee experiences, presenting them through both fictional and nonfictional perspectives.

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Our Sponsor

Thanks to our Friends of the Castro Valley Library who make this and other community programs possible.

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