Who’s That in the Library?: Deb Sica, Deputy County Librarian

Have you ever wondered what different library staff do all day? Let’s meet Deputy County Librarian, Deb Sica, and find out!


Q: What does a Deputy County Librarian do, exactly?

Deb: It’s liken to a COO (Chief Operating Officer). My role is to keep the ship afloat and moving in the right direction. I support the mission of Growing Learners, Breaking Barriers and Building Futures; wherever and whenever possible. Sometimes that is in big picture ways, and sometimes that is in day-in and day-out operations. Under the direction of (County Librarian) Cindy Chadwick’s overall vision for our beloved Library, I administer, supervise, plan, budget and advocate for services and staff. I coordinate the Division Directors and Library Information Technology (LIT). It’s my job to pull those efforts together, tie up any loose ends in the coordination of their focus areas, and support the whole of the organization. I monitor and support the budget, and provide operational feedback on our expenditures. Another part of my work is to coordinate the Library’s connections to the larger county. I liaison with other Deputies and leadership in various county departments to help foster relationships and build our connection within the larger framework of county services. But my must-do duty - I always make coffee!! But I am still waiting on my Best Barista** award! ** Fun Fact: In graduate school, I was a barista for two days. I ended up with coffee grounds in my hair, all over my face and covering my green apron (hint, hint) – all my respect to those incredible, multitasking folks. I was much better at my high school job, which was working the Micky D’s drive-thru!  

Q: How long have you been working for libraries? How long have you been the Deputy County Librarian?

Deb: I have been in research and education in some form or capacity since 1993; phew – feels like forever! I worked in a private poetry collection, in health and medical research, in academia, as an archivist and curator in a museum, a short time at a law library and even in a wine library! But for the past 15 years, I have been proud to say I am dedicated to the democracy amplified in American public libraries. Once I worked in a public library, I knew I found my library home and never turned back!

Q: Why did you decide to work in libraries?

Deb: Libraries are some of the most interesting and unique places in our world. From gilded palaces to well-loved community stomping grounds, libraries have always had a calming influence on me. I found refuge as a child in my local public library; yes – I was one of those kiddos! I was free to explore ANYTHING, without judgement, without fear, without money! Every place I have ever moved, I got my library card as one of my first ways to get grounded and get a sense of local resources. Every place I travel, I find my way to the library. Libraries are a portal to the people. To me, they can be as sacred as a church; a house of hope, a place of learning, a space to grow that welcomes all.  

Q: What’s something you want everyone to know about what the library has to offer?

Deb: ALL of it; every last service we have to offer! If I could share one thing about the library with everyone, it would be… we can find out anything!! We are the best starting point for our member’s questions! We invite and honor our human capacity to wonder, to be creative, to be supportive and to build community.  

Q: What are you reading/watching/digging right now?

Deb: I am reading Your Resonant Self by Sarah Peyton. We talk a lot about self-care, but I am always trying to grasp that idea and truly find out what works for me. I hope everyone reading this is also looking for those deeper ways to develop consciousness and contentment in our wild and wacky world. This book has been a great way to connect in.

I am watching Watchmen! I love Regina King and the attention the show has brought to Tulsa atrocities of 1921. She is a S’hero in life and also plays one on TV!

I’m digging reductionism and minimalism. I am blessed to have so much, blessed to have a place to call home, and the Shelter in Place has me looking at excess and truly trying to build a culture of minimalism in our home. I am thinking about my footprint and what is my personal responsibility in making space and place for all.

Q: Can you introduce our next library guest?

Deb: Meet Andrea Davis. Andrea has infused Youth & Family Services with her special brand of creativity and kindness. She has even gone so far as to announce a pop-up library on an airplane, providing the passengers with reading materials! She loves to “yes, and…” all the possibilities before activating a plan! But she doesn’t stop at planning, her follow-through and quality of work is exceptional!