February's Seed Kit features Large Red Cherry Tomatoes! Bursting with vitamins, calcium, and antioxidants, they’re small, delicious, and nutritious!
Black History Month: African Americans in the Labor Movement
Black History Month honors African American achievements and their central role in U.S. history. Discover ways to celebrate all month and beyond!
Manage Your Money in the New Year!
New Year, New Finances! Start fresh by taking stock and managing your money better—make this year your year of financial success.
January 2025: Carrots-Rainbow Blend
January's Seed Kit features Carrots-Rainbow Blend! Sweet, tender, and bursting with color, these veggies will be the star of your next meal.
Book Match: A Gathering of Books
Winter's here! Cozy up with a book from our Book Match lists—celebrate traditions with a picture book or escape to a warm, tropical setting.
Kwanzaa: Celebrating Community
Kwanzaa is a joyful 7-day celebration of Black culture, food, and unity, celebrated by African Americans and the global African diaspora.
A Story for Each Night!
Whether celebrating or learning, explore the rich traditions and stories of Hanukkah with AC Library's curated book list.
December 2024: Genovese Basil
December 2024's seed kit features Genovese Basil! Perfect for pesto and Italian sauces, it grows up to 2 feet tall with 1-2 inch wide leaves.
November 2024: Rooreh
November's seed kit includes Rooreh, once known as miner’s lettuce. Rooreh has heart-shaped leaves and edible flowers and can be enjoyed in salads or cooked as greens!
It’s Time to Vote
Alameda County Library believes being civically engaged is part of being a kind, connected human. Find information about registering to vote, some common myths about voting, and how the library can help you get voter-ready in time for Tuesday, November 5.
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