Castro Valley Reads – Member Coordinated Discussion Group

Castro Valley Reads - Member Coordinated Discussion Group

Use this form to register your member-coordinated discussion group. Member-coordinated discussion groups must have a minimum of three members. Any information collected is for the sole use of the Alameda County Library. We will not contact you about any program other than Castro Valley Reads. We do not sell, license, or disclose to any additional third parties.

"*" indicates required fields

Group Facilitator*
Group Members*
Please list the names and email address of people in your discussion group, other than yourself. Groups must have at least three total members. Click the + symbol to add more rows.
Email Address
Please enter a numeral that does not exceed the number of people in your group. (The maximum number of books we are making available to any group is 12. We are hoping to encourage sharing. If you would like more copies, you can note it in the comments section below and we will try to accommodate your request.)
Books will be available for pick up beginning on Sunday, February 2 at 2 pm at the Library during the Kick Off event for Castro Valley Reads. If you have any questions or comments, you can use the space below. A staff person will respond to you via email.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


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